Why Breakfast?
Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day, and that’s why I started Breakfast Club.
It’s a free, fun and social way to encourage and inspire others to start their day with an awesome nutritious breakfast.
Today, The Breakfast Club is all about sharing your healthy, nutritious and convenient meals, including breakfasts. If you have a great recipe, share it with your Instagram tribe, tag me and let’s all get healthy together!
The Breakfast Club
Come on, join today on Instagram, and get your FREE Breakfast Club Pack with free smoothie recipes.
Browse by category
Recipes by Ingredients
- Almond Butter
- Almonds
- Banana
- Broccoli
- Brown Rice Syrup
- Buckwheat
- Cashews
- Cauliflower
- Chick Peas
- Chilli
- Chocolate
- Coconut
- Coconut Cream
- Coconut Yoghurt
- Coffee
- Coriander
- Cucumber
- Cumin
- Dairy Free
- Dates
- Eggs
- Flour
- Ginger
- Gluten Free
- Honey
- Jump
- Lemon
- Linseeds
- Maple Syrup
- Mirin
- Miso
- Mushrooms
- Mustard
- Oats
- Olive Oil
- Paprika
- Protein
- Protein Powder
- Radish
- Raspberries
- Rice
- Rice Cakes
- Sake
- Sesame Seeds
- Soy Sauce
- Spinach
- Taco
- Teriyaki
- Tomatoes
- Tuna
Do you play racquet sports?
If you want to live longer, take up a racquet sport! But why is that?
The best fluffiest pancakes
A big call, but you will fall in love with these fluffy pancakes. Quick and easy to make by hand, and super delicious.
Five Foods to help Sleep*
What you eat before bed matters. Here are the five foods that will help you sleep better.
Gut Microbiome in Menopause
How menopause affects your gut microbiome and what you can do about it.
Home Made Almond Butter
Making your own nut butter is easy and cost effective. Here is my favourite recipe.
Stress Busting Foods
Whilst you can’t always control your stress levels, there are certain foods that will help.
What’s for Dinner Tonight?
What’s for dinner? How I make pizza at home using gluten free flat bread.
How do you take your Greens?
Why do you need a daily does of greens powder? How does it help?
Transition to Plant Based Eating without upsetting the family
Can you go plant based at home without upsetting the family? Yes you can. Read my tips right here
Epsom Salts v Magnesium Flakes
I always thought epsom salts and magnesium flakes are the same thing, however they are not. Read more…
Sleep is FREE
Do you get enough sleep? If you don’t, you’ll love this tip from one of my favourite authors, Shawn Stevenson.
Chip Free in 2023
I am giving up store bought hot chips and potato crisps in 2023. Join me?
Want to join our November Challenge?
I love this Challenge. It can be done anywhere, anytime. A minute of tricep dips every day. Find out how you can join.
Having menopausal hot flashes?
Adding tofu to your diet has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flushes. Here’s my favourite recipe for enjoying teriyaki tofu.
Taco Seasoning Home Made
Why buy taco seasoning when you can make your own? In fact, some store bought mixes contain sugar and wheat, totally unnecessary!
What’s so great about Chia Seeds?
It’s easy to add chia seeds to your everyday diet. Packed with nutrients, they are a natural super food.
Transition to Plant Based Eating
Going plant based without upsetting the rest of the family. My top tips.
To Dress or Not to Dress
This is the best ever salad dressing you can make. Make double or triple and keep in the fridge.
5 benefits of cutting back on the alcohol
As I race towards my late 50s, I’ve noticed that I’ve become super sensitive to many foods and particularly alcohol. Why and what benefits have I noticed since drastically reducing alcohol?
Weekly Meal Planner
I came up this weekly formula for meal plans. It’s so simple, and works so well in our household.