Sleep is FREE
It’s so important to our health and wellbeing.
But as we age, and as we get busier lives, it’s harder to get a really good night’s sleep.
There are so many factors, and for women particular, hormones can play a huge part.
I have a great book at home called "Sleep Smarter" by Shawn Stevenson. It's about strategies to get a better night's sleep. There's so much in this book I couldn't possibly summarise it. However one thing did really interest me about MELATONIN.
It is believed that melatonin is related to ageing. Young children have the highest level of nighttime melatonin production, but it gradually declines as we age. Melantonin is associated with being young and vital, but it diminishes as we age.
The production of melatonin in the body is heavily affected by light exposure. So the more sunlight exposure during the day, and less light exposure at night, will help you sleep better.
In the book, Shawn explains that the best time to get your sunlight exposure is between 6:00am and 8.30am. This means no sunscreen and no sunglasses. You need to be able to take in the natural light through your eyes. At least 30 minutes of sun exposure will help you sleep better at night.
Some foods contain small amounts of melatonin, and some foods help your body's production of melatonin. So start eating tart cherries, walnuts, ginger root and asparagus. Also pineapple, tomatoes, bananas and oranges.
I hope this helps.