Why you should cook at home

What are you eating this week?

Did you know that by cooking at home, you will feel better, eat better, have more energy, and generally feel better about yourself?

Reasons why....

1. You have Control

When you cook at home, you have full control over what you eat and what you cook.

You choose the ingredients and the recipes, allowing you to make healthier choices. You can also control portion sizes.

2. Healthier way of Cooking

Restaurant or take out meals can be laden in hidden fats, flavours, salt and sugar to make them tasty. And some meals can be deep fried. Cooking at home allows you to choose healthier cooking methods such as baking, grilling, or steaming, rather than frying.

3. Increased Awareness

When you prepare your own meals, you become more aware of what you're eating and how it affects your body. This mindfulness can help you make healthier choices and avoid mindless eating.

4. Less Temptation

Eating out often exposes you to larger portion sizes and high-calorie foods, making it easier to overeat. And you may opt for dishes (such as dessert) even though you’re not hungry.Eating at home reduces this temptation and makes it easier to stick to your health goals.

5. Cost Savings

This is a no-brainer! Eating out can be more expensive than cooking at home. By preparing your own meals, and doing a bit of meal planning and meal prep on a Sunday, you can save money by shopping for ingredients that are in season, and buying only what you need for this week.

Linda x

➡️ If you want to find out what I eat, and why I choose to follow a 3-step Healthy Habits Plan, read this!


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