How many times a week?

We’re talking resistance training.

How many times a week should you be doing this type of training?

Ideally, you want to be doing resistance training 3 times a week. However if that’s too much, you need to do at least 2 sessions a week. Spread them out so that you recover between sessions, and this will help you make the most of each session.

So grab yourself a set of dumbbells, and start today.

A simple workout plan that I do regularly at home looks like this:

3 rounds of:

  1. 10 x goblet squats (with a dumbbell/kettle bell)

  2. 45 seconds wall sit

Followed by…

3 rounds of:

  1. 10 x walking lunges (with a dumbbell)

  2. 10 x dumbbell thrusters

Followed by…

3 rounds of:

  1. 30 second plank

  2. 30 second side plank (15 seconds on each side)

  3. 10 x knee push ups

Have fun out there!


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